Transcatheter aortic valve implantation to save the life of a sixty-year-old woman at Al-Mouwasat Hospital in Riyadh
A woman in her sixties attended the cardiology department and cardiac catheterization clinics at Al-Mouwasat Hospital in Riyadh, transferred from a medical center, suffering from shortness of breath and chest pain when exerting effort.
The medical team in the Cardiology Department, under the supervision of Dr. Abdullah Al-Khudair, a consultant cardiologist and cardiac catheter, studied the case and performed all the required medical examinations. It was found that there was severe stenosis of the aortic valve..
This operation is relatively recent and was performed without the need for general anesthesia, and thanks to God, the operation was successful and the patient was able to walk 6 hours after the procedure and returned to her home the next day of the operation to lead her normal life normally.
This type of operation is one of the relatively new and most advanced operations and depends on medical skills and expertise, which is in line with the vision of the Mouwasat Medical Services Company in attracting competencies and delicate subspecialties and providing the latest technologies and medical equipment in this field.