The father brought his infant son to the hospital's pediatric emergency department suffering from constant crying and vomiting blood, and the mother noticed that he had swallowed a foreign body. Immediately, the child was presented to Dr. Ihab Zuraiqat, a pediatric gastroenterology and endoscopy consultant at Al-Mouwasat Hospital in Dammam, who performed all the necessary tests for the child, which showed the presence of a large pin in the esophagus and a position in which it was difficult to pull the pin out.
Dr. Ihab Zureikat immediately made the decision to push the pin into the stomach, where the position of the pin could be adjusted to a safe position that would not cause damage to the tissues of the child’s digestive system. He then pulled it out completely safely without any complications.
It is worth noting that this type of medical intervention is considered the most advanced in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy for children, and it is in line with the vision of Al-Mouwasat Medical Services Company in attracting competencies and precise medical specialties while providing the latest medical technologies and equipment.
After swallowing a pin... saving the life of a 10-month-old child at Al-Mouwasat Hospital in Dammam
Thanks to God and his success, the medical team at Al-Mouwasat Hospital in Dammam succeeded in saving the life of a 10-month-old infant, who had swallowed a pin.The father brought his infant son to the hospital's pediatric emergency department suffering from constant crying and vomiting blood, and the mother noticed that he had swallowed a foreign body. Immediately, the child was presented to Dr. Ihab Zuraiqat, a pediatric gastroenterology and endoscopy consultant at Al-Mouwasat Hospital in Dammam, who performed all the necessary tests for the child, which showed the presence of a large pin in the esophagus and a position in which it was difficult to pull the pin out.
Dr. Ihab Zureikat immediately made the decision to push the pin into the stomach, where the position of the pin could be adjusted to a safe position that would not cause damage to the tissues of the child’s digestive system. He then pulled it out completely safely without any complications.
It is worth noting that this type of medical intervention is considered the most advanced in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy for children, and it is in line with the vision of Al-Mouwasat Medical Services Company in attracting competencies and precise medical specialties while providing the latest medical technologies and equipment.