Consultant - Head Of General Surgery Department
Contact Information
+966 920 004 477Mouwasat Hospital Qatif
Cases to be seen:
- Thyroid gland (benign and malignant cases).
- (benign and malignant cases).
- Elite gland (endoscopic for malignant and benign cases).
- Liver and bile ducts corresponding cases.
- Gallbladder (open and laparoscopic) o Spleen (open and laparoscopic) diaphragm (open and laparoscopic) o Upper digestive tract.
- Hiatal hernia and GERD (endoscopic) - stomach (benign and malignant, open and endoscopic) - small intestine (open and endoscopic).
- Colon and rectum (benign and malignant diseases) o Appendix (open and laparoscopic).
- Rectal diseases (hemorrhoids, anal fissure, anal fistula, abscess).
- Capillary sinus disease.
- Abdominal wall hernia (open inguinal, laparoscopic, femoral and umbilical).
- Acute skin diseases and trauma.