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Dr.Mohamed Maher

Dr.Mohamed Maher



Contact Information

+966 920 004 477

Mouwasat Hospital Dammam


  • MBSCH of surgery and medicine.
  • MD Obstetrics and gynecology.
  • Egyptian Society of endoscopy
  • Egyptian Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine.


Cases to be seen:

  • Follow-up of high-risk pregnancy including placenta previa and placenta accrete spectrum
  • All cases of vaginal delivery and CS .
  • Cases of recurrent abortion
  • Diagnosisiand treatment of cases of endometriosis
  • Female infertility and cases of PCOS
  • Genital tract tumors (begnin and malignant)
  • Female plastic surgery
  • Laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cysts, adhesolysis,endometriosis, missed IUCD, and tubal
  • sterilizationHysteroscopy for diagnosis and treatment of endometrial polyps
  • Recurrent bleeding and all menstrual abnormalities
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