Dr. Yousef Alkhalaf
Consultant Neurology and Epilepsy Electroencephalography
Mouwasat Hospital Jubail
Cases to be seen:
- MBBS King Faisal university Dammam
- Saudi Fellowship of Epilepsy and EEG KFSHRC- Riyadh
- Jordanian Board of Neurology
- Neurology training KFSHRC- Riyadh
- Member of the American Academy of Neurology
Cases to be seen:
- Epilepsy and seizures disorders
- Movement disorders
- Headache and facial pain
- Dizziness and vertigo
- Neuropathic pains
- Cognitive declines and dementia
- Strokes
- White mater diseases and neuroinflammatory disorders of brain and nerves
- Diseases of muscles and nerves
- Infectious diseases of the brain and meninges
- Diseases of spinal cord.